This is one of the Hottest USSSA bats ever made. This bat is in GREAT CONDITION and not even broken in yet. You will be hard-pressed to find this model in this GREAT condition. Check the reviews on JustBats.
2 1/4 Inch Barrel Diameter. Approved for Play in USSSA, NSA, ISA, ISF. IMX Composite Barrel / CNT Composite Handle. New for Ask anyone what the hottest slow pitch softball bat is, and you'll get one answer time and time again: The Easton Salvo. This season, Easton steps it up a notch with the release of the USSSA Salvo.
The Salvo Comp 100 features a similar design to the original Salvo SRV5, except with EXTREME PERFORMANCE! The one-piece IMX Composite construction of the Salvo allows for an optimized sweet spot and extraordinary pop. The 12 inch endloaded IMX barrel seamlessly transitions into a Carbon Nanotube (CNT) handle that effectively acts as a backbone for the Salvo, increasing its durability. The Single System Composite Design gives the player more control over their bat by creating a stiffer feel. The ultra thin 29/32 inch CNT handle is wrapped with a new Performance Diamond Grip that provides the tack and control needed to start blasting homers every time up. You can get the extreme 100+ MPH performance of the Salvo Comp 100 with out an extreme strain on your wallet! The Easton Salvo Comp 100 is approved for play in USSSA, NSA, ISA, and ISF.